Frequently Asked Questions |
1. Are y'all gay? A. All boy bands are gay.
2. Do y'all even wear purple? A. Only Billy does so occasionally, but he doesn't like the stares he receives.
3. So why the name? A. We wanted to somehow pay tribute to our favorite English teacher who provided us with the inspiration to take on this groundbreaking and unprecedented project. She likes purple, and she has a purple teddy bear on her desk. We all strive to be loved and appreciated by her.
4. What's a Purple Teddy Bear joke? A. Why do purple teddy bears eat less than brown teddy bears? Cuz there are fewer of them. Ohhhhhh, I think I'm cracking myself up now.
5. How do y'all find the time to take on such a huge and admirable endeavor? A. We attend an International Baccalaureate high school.
6. Is Billy Wang really that sexy in real life? A. Not really, but he is cuter in real life.
7. Is Tasty Tanya really that sexy in real life? A. Even sexier.
8. Why do ya'll choose to perform old songs? A. We yearn for the good 'ol days.
9. How do you pronounce ey? A. Simply let the letter e and then the letter y sensuously roll off your sensuous tongue.
10. Why does ey wear short shorts? A. My mother once told me, "If you have amazing legs, flaunt it." I suppose that's exactly what ey is doing.
11. Who choreographed this shizzle? A. We forgot her name, so we call her Slave Driver. We have never shown so much determination and focus on a single goal than under her direction. In fact, I don't think I have ever danced so much in my life since hitting the game-winning shot to win the state basketball championship.
12. Who's that person that stalks Billy? A. Since Billy don't associate well with stalkers, he only knows that she goes by the name of "Official Stalker." From what he has gathered from his peripheral vision, she has big eyes and pokes him online through AIM.
13. Then who's the groupie? A. We just call her the groupie since her real name doesn't describe her as well. When Billy got of the shower one time with a towel wrapped around his waist, she tried to do the unthinkable. Luckily, Billy double-knotted the towel. chichichela13 (6:45:17 PM): I wanted that goddamn towel.
14. Which one of you is a FOB? A. Well, that is a tough question. ey and Shady were born in Asia, so they seem like the obvious candidates for FOBness. However. Billy, despite being born in Boston, walks and talks like a FOB, while ey and Shady act like a bunch of twinkies and tea eggs, respectively. Slim doesn't do much anymore, so we don't know his FOB status.
15. Is every one of you a genius? A. Yes, even our webmaster Tasty Tanya.